Film photography - Drawing with light

Whilst in Newcastle and Krakow, I took a fair amount of film photographs for use in my work. I have used black and white and colour film of the fair in Krakow. The colour prints in this section are actually double-exposed, with my camera re-setting the film in my camera. I was intrigued as to if the film would actually turn out, but the effect of the prints are really interesting as at first and without visiting the fair you would not instinctively notice the double image layering, but if you look closely you can tell there are inconsistencies in the images.

I think the black and white prints work nicely as individual photographs, as the ghostly quality gives an eery sense to the fair for which you are accustomed to seeing the varying colours. The photographs of the ferris wheel structure are particularly strong, and in their linear simplicity are almost like quick, sketchy drawings.