I decided to experiment with digital photography and motion blurring so that I could work at a larger scale with the pin-hole pieces. I found that the vibrant colours of the digital pieces and the drawings that I produced were visually bold and exciting.
I took photographs at an International fair in Krakow so that I could experiment with vibrant colours. I took over 300 shots in one night alone, and another 200 the next night. This selection of photographs are the ones that captured the more dramatic motion, to produce semi-abstract compositions of pure colour, but with recognisable figurative elements. This dual nature of the atmospheric motion of the blurs which leaves the viewer's eyes dazed, and unable to focus properly, together with the perception of a tangible object/place/form depicted that creates this almost struggle in the eyes to focus and grasp the realistic and structural form, intrigues me and inspires me to manipulate this sensation further.